Have all the campaign files in one place and boost productivity

How to share assets?

To generate a preview page for multiple assets in one link:

  1. Select assets you want to share
  2. Click ‘Create gallery’ from the bulk menu
  3. Enter a description (optionally) and copy link
  4. Send a link to the client to get feedback
  • on this type of preview page, you will see the newest version of chosen assets
  • The preview page is available publicly – no need to login in by the client.
  • Link to preview page is user-friendly – generated based on client and campaign name, e.g https://demo.dizply.com/pg/k437en_Amax_DisplaySummer_?page=1
  • each asset from the gallery has an individual URL (e.g page=1), so there is easier to feedback them
  • if you are logged in when seeing any type of preview page, you can back to asset view by clicking ‘Back to preview’

What if you want to share separate links for individual assets?

To get a series of links to individual assets:

  1. Select assets you want to share
  2. From the bulk menu choose ‘Copy short link’

Links to the newest version of chosen assets will copy to your clipboard – you can paste it e.g. in an email and send to the client

To quickly copy and share a preview for one asset:

You can share the current or the previous version of an asset:

  1. Go to the chosen asset
  2. chose a version of an asset that you want to share
  3. On the bulk menu click ‘Copy link’

Link to chosen version of an asset will copy to your clipboard – You can now send it to the client.