In the age of client experience, we need to keep in mind that client demands are constantly increasing. Consequently, they are looking for more and more specialized marketing agencies. When deciding on cooperation with a digital agency they look for a reliable partner that will help their brand to develop, build an engaged community around it, make it memorable and most importantly, improve its sales results.
It is a well-known fact that effective cooperation between the client and the agency, based on mutual understanding, is necessary to create successful projects.
But what would a collaborative effort be without establishing policies around exemplary customer service, as well as other processes within the agency itself?
A digital agency can be compared, for example, to a colony of ants, in which each has its own role and well-defined task. In their case, the lack of proper organization of work processes would make it impossible for the ants to build a shelter or gather food, which would lead to their quick demise. To put it simply: in such a situation we would hardly enjoy successful cooperation.
6 golden rules for managing chaos
To tame the chaos, give primary attention to:
- Developing appropriate customer service standards.
- Creating a system of internal processes.
- Establishing the shortest possible decision-making paths.
- Traffic management (managing and allocating tasks in the project to appropriate people in the team).
- Use of proven tools for campaign management and production (including our own Dizply).
- Communication and regular feedback between the client and the agency.
Internal processes and work standards
Adequate customer service is the standard of work these days, but equally important is how a digital agency operates within its organization.
To achieve the effect of a „calm head” of the client, all customer service processes should be geared towards efficient building partnerships (after all, you REALLY are partners).
Hence, already at the stage of signing the contract,
Such an internal system is crucial from the perspective of client experience. It has a great impact on carrying out the project as intended, without any derailments along the way. This translates into trust and can result in positive experiences and long-term cooperation with a given client. From that, it’s only a step to further referrals.
What is important, apart from the fact that the creative team accumulates all their energy on the project, before the client sees it, it is verified by more than 1 person, which is aimed at clarifying any doubts or introducing quick corrections without unnecessary stress on both sides, or amendments returning like a boomerang.
Also important, in terms of speed of response to any changes during the campaign, is a
Onboarding new employees
Pay great attention to the appropriate onboarding of new employees so that you can maintain high standards of work and customer service, regardless of who is leading the project.
The advantage of this is to minimize or even eliminate unwanted situations or surprises, which are better to prevent than to act in panic and chaos.
Besides, you gain the effect of very low employee turnover – which also translates into efficient project implementation.
Traffic management
Implemented traffic management is a guarantee that the creative team is fully focused on working on the project.
Traffic management is nothing else than a skillful manager and distribution of project tasks among creative team members, according to Client Service demand.
Tested Tools
In addition to an internal process system, an indispensable component of any digital campaign is a project management and campaign production tools.
Stick only to proven ones, which will translate into fast information transfer within the agency and to the client.
Communication and ongoing feedback
In simple words – it is worth talking.
Communication and ongoing feedback are the elements that make it easier for an advertising agency to efficiently carry out a marketing project, and for a client to enjoy successful cooperation. That is why you need to rely on regular mutual contact between the agency and the client, whether in the form of phone calls or videoconferences. When part of the team, both from the digital agency and client side, works remotely, videoconference allows feeling a substitute of a live meeting. After all, it’s easier to receive and give constructive feedback when you can see each other.
And if there is something that requires urgent consultation – it is worthwhile for the project team to be able to quickly contact the client.
A remedy for chaos
It is worth following the principle that „prevention is better than cure”, as well as openness of communication in cooperation with a marketing agency.
If these are maintained, it augurs well for the development of partnerships, long-term cooperation, and a brick-built success.